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HA Tunnel Plus Free Internet hat Files For All Countries

In Search for free data, and no need to search again because it is at your door. Get free HAT files for HA tunnel plus for ALL Countries
20 min read
HA Tunnel HAT files all countries

Free internet is a blasting news when its available in your country. Free internet has become one of the most searched term over the internet in the past few years. This causing free internet to gain a very high search term and has gone viral through the internet.

What is Free Internet?

Free internet is a method used to access the internet for free without subscription to any data plan by the use of certain internet protocols and tools such as VPN, Proxies, SSH and many more. That is, an ISP (Internet Security Protocol) that provides access to the Internet without charge to the user. An ISP or Internet Security Protocol, is a company that provides internet access to other companies, families, or in short terms mobile users.

Talking of free internet, it can be categorized in to two different types of free internet. We have limited and unlimited tricks.

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Limited free internet tricks tricks that give you free internet with a specific bandwidth daily. On the other hand, unlimited free internet tricks are those that get you connected to the internet giving you an unlimited access to the internet. This free internet always has a validity. It's validity can be at one week, one month, or the validity remains until the ISP blocks access from that bridge. And all of this depends on how the creator of the config file configures the config file.(mtn unlimited hat file download)

Unlimited free internet tricks are those that use tools such as VPN applications of which we can list Your Freedom, HA Tunnel PlusDroidVPN, Anonytun, HTTP Injector, HTTP Custom etc. One of the above tools will be very important for us in the procedure below.

So far, people keep searching for HTTP Injector free internet ehi files, http injector free internet configs, anonytun free internet, anonytun free internet for any country, ha tunnel plus settings and configs for any country.

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ha tunnel plus free internet hat Files all countries

It is to note that free internet isn't easy to get because from our previous internet tricks, we have mentioned that it isn't easy to get free internet for all countries due to country restrictions and availability of exploitable host. It is not easy to have access to  the best available host for free internet configurations.(ha tunnel plus settings)

Most of our Free internet tricks are Cameroonian free internet tricks but we thought of; Why not other countries; Do other countries not get to enjoy the internet for free? And that thought has motivated us to bring to you this article on hat file for All countries to help others enjoy what is called free internet access.

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What can be said about HA Tunnel Plus?

HA Tunnel Plus being an application preceding the famous tunnel application we know ( AnonyTun) is an application developed by Art Of Tunnel. This VPN tunnel functions the same way as AnonyTun but with a slight difference. HA Tunnel Plus uses existing connection protocols such as SSH2.0. All traffic generated between the client and the server is protected.

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Each user is given a randomly generated ID by the application to connect to the server.(ha tunnel plus unlimited files)

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The developer of this software made something interesting, making every users to have a randomly generated ID. This is to easily control flood of servers and have full access over the servers than clients to securely limit its access by clients. So we can say the developer had a real good vision before developing HA Tunnel Plus. Plus, the extension of HA Tunnel Plus Config files is .hat(mtn unlimited hat)

Before HA Tunnel Plus was HA Tunnel Pro. Unfortunately, the developer stopped supporting the application and updated it to the Plus version which now carries the name HA Tunnel Plus. : ha tunnel files for mtn

Free Internet with HA Tunnel Plus (hat files)

It is very possible and though some wouldn't believe, even simple to create a free internet config with this HA Tunnel Plus. The most important thing for your to understand in this application is the Realm host and how it works. This feature was recently updated by the developer and moved to a new Realm host.(ha tunnel plus latest config file download)

But we don't expect you to crack your heads and stress up. We are here as middlemen to provide these files to you so you can just enjoy the config files. With this, you can make us a favor and just turn back and follow our telegram channel using the link below.(mtn 1gb hat file)

So, make sure you have the following requirements


  • HA Tunnel Plus
  • .hat config provided below ( For dedicated countries). All Net config also available.(how to create ha tunnel plus files for mtn)

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I don't think we will get any complications in this part of our article because all you will have to do is to download the hat file for your specified country, import it to the app(HA Tunnel Plus).

Download HA Tunnel Plus

Select the file below that corresponds to your country then import and browse on the internet for free.(ha tunnel plus mtn files download)

Checkout this amazing article

HTTP Injector free EHI Files for all countries

All Nets HAT Files

All-net-Free-Internet.hat 1.4kb
All-net-Free-Internet.hat 1.76kb

Argentina HAT Files

Argentina-Free-Internet.hat 960B
Argentina(Prepago)-Free-Internet.hat 1.30KB
Argentina-Free-Internet.hat 984B

Bolivia HAT File

Bolivia-Free-Internet.hat 981B

Brazil HAT File

Brazil(Tim)-Free-Internet.hat 1.84kb
Brazil(Vivo1)-Free-Internet.hat 1.17kb

Columbia HAT File

Columbia(Tigo)-Free-Internet.hat 1.73kb
Columbia(Wom)-Free-Internet.hat 1.40kb
Columbia-Free-Internet.hat 1.25KB

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France HAT File

France(Laboste)-Free-Internet.hat 1.50kb
France(Reglo)-Free-Internet.hat 1.49kb
France(SFR)-Free-Internet.hat 1.48kb

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Germany HAT File

Germany(Aldi Talk)-Free-Internet.hat 1.65kb
Germany(Ortel-Mobile)-Free-Internet.hat 1.81kb
Germany-Free-Internet.hat 1.2kb

Ghana HAT File

Ghana-Free-Internet.hat 1.77kb
Ghana-Free-Internet.hat 2.09kb

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Guatemala HAT Files

Guatemala-Free-Internet.hat 1.63kb
Guatemala-Free-Internet.hat 1.00kb

Haiti HAT Files

Haiti-Free-Internet.hat 1.81kb
Haiti-Free-Internet.hat 1.79kb

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Keep updated with everything we have in our blog by following this blog

Jamaica HAT Files

Jamaica(Digicel)-Free-Internet.hat 1.25kb

Kenyan HAT Files

Kenya(safaricom)-Free-Internet.hat 1.67kb
Kenya(safaricom)-Free-Internet.hat 1.5kb
Kenya-Free-Internet(1).hat 600B
Kenya-Free-Internet(2).hat 970B

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Kyrgyztan Hat File

Kyrgyztan-Free-Internet.hat 700B

Lesotho Hat File

Lesotho-Free-Internet.hat 750B

Malawi Hat File

Malawi-Free-Internet.hat 950B
Malawi-Free-Internet(1).hat 1.2kb

Read Also: Free HTTP Injector EHI files for free unlimited connection for all countries

Malaysia Hat File

Malaysia(Umobile)-Free-Internet.hat 1.31kb
Malaysia-Free-Internet.hat 960B

Mexico Hat File - NEWLY ADDED!!!

Mexico(Telcel)-Free-Internet.hat 2.09kb
Mexico(ToDo)-Free-Internet.hat 1.41kb

Nigeria Hat File

Nigeria(Airtel - NEW!!!!)-Free-Internet.hat 1.2kb
Nigeria-MTN - 500MB NEW!!!-Free-Internet.hat 1.8kb
Nigeria-MTN - 500MB NEW!!!-Free-Internet.hat 1.8kb
Nigeria-9mobile - 500MB NEW!!!-Free-Internet.hat 1.8kb
Nigeria(MTN - 500MB NEW!!!!)-Free-Internet.hat 1.3kb
Nigeria(Allnet)-Free-Internet.hat 1.79kb
Nigeria(Airtel-Social)-Free-Internet.hat 1.98kb
Nigeria-Airtel-Free-Internet.hat 1.4kb
Nigeria-MTN-Free-Internet.hat 1.43kb
Nigeria-Free-Internet(1).hat 0.63kb
Nigeria-Free-Internet(Glo).hat 1.3kb
Nigeria-Free-Internet(Airtel-2).hat 1.2kb

To get some more HAT files for Nigeria, follow the link below

mtn hat files download

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Peru Hat File

Peru(Claro)-Free-Internet.hat 1.29kb

Portugal Hat File

Portugal-Free-Internet.hat 1.38kb

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Qatar Hat File

Qatar-Free-Internet.hat 1.38kb

Saudi Arabia Hat File

SA-Free-Internet.hat 0.6kb
SA(Mobily)-Free-Internet.hat 1.84kb

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Singapore(Starhub)-Free-Internet.hat 1.31kb

South Africa Hat File

ZA-1GB(MTN)-Free-Internet.hat 1.79kb
ZA-500mb-Vodacom.hat 1.4kb
ZA-MTN-Free-Internet.hat 1.81kb
ZA(Cell C)-Free-Internet.hat 1.48kb
ZA-Telkom-Free-Internet.hat 1.56kb
ZA-MTN-Free-Internet.hat 1.4kb
ZA-Free-Internet.hat 1.2kb
ZA-Free-Internet(Cell-c).hat 1.2kb
ZA-Free-Internet(Telcom-cell-MTN-Vodacom).hat 1.9kb

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To get some more HAT files for South Africa, follow the link below

Tajikistan hat files

Tajikistan(Tcell)-Free-Internet.hat 1.17kb

Turkey Hat Files

Turkey(Turkcell)-Free-Internet.hat 1.13kb
Turkey(Turkcell1)-Free-Internet.hat 1.8kb

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United Kingdom Hat Files

UK(NEW!!!!)-Free-Internet.hat 1.21kb
UK(Allnet)-Free-Internet.hat 1.88kb
UK(GifGaf)-Free-Internet.hat 1.17kb
UK(Allnet)-Free-Internet.hat 1.81kb

United Arab Emirates Hat Files

UAE-Free-Internet.hat 07kb

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Keep updated with everything we have in our blog by following this blog

USA Hat Files

USA-Free-Internet(NEW!!!!).hat 1.68kb
USA-Free-Internet.hat 0.6kb

Uzbekistan Hat Files

Uzbekistan(NEW!!!!)-Free-Internet.hat 1.37kb
Uzbekistan(Ucell)-Free-Internet.hat 1.27kb
Uzbekistan(Humans)-Free-Internet.hat 1.38kb

Vietnam Hat Files

Vietnam-Viettel-Free-Internet.hat 1.52kb

The hat files provided above are the free internet files which can be used for the defined country.

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Note: We are not the creators of the above hat files and so we do not claim their ownership. We advice you with all our might not to misuse or abuse of the configs because we are just sharing the hat files with you. You solely assume any abuse you cause!

Closing Remarks

We have seen what is HA Tunnel Plus and how you can get free internet with HA Tunnel Plus by sharing free hat files for many countries. Though we haven't included all countries, we have covered a lot of countries. If your country has not been mentioned, please be patient and subscribe to this blog to be updated on our upcoming free internet configs.(ha tunnel plus free internet hat files all countries)

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We have often see people search around on social media ha tunnel plus config files download, ha tunnel plus Vodacom files, ha tunnel plus MTN files, ha tunnel plus free internet. Search no more because if you don't take care you might get scammed. We don't want that for you so you are to stay updated for our new free internet tweaks.

Don't just enjoy and end it there. Help and follow us on telegram following the link below to grow our channel and to receive many more updates on any recent HAT file that comes up(ha tunnel plus mtn files download 2021)

Content Writer| Finance Specialist| Video Editor| Blogger and Vlogger is what I am and we share content mostly on finance tips and tech tutorials.

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